
Roll20 Bookmarklets v1.1.0 Released! 🎉

Update (10/22/2021): Version 1.2.0 has been released!

GitHub: cogspace/roll20bookmarklets

Release: Roll20 Bookmarklets v1.1.0

(New) 🕒 Turn tracker controls

Clear Turn Tracker – Clears the turn tracker.

Close Turn Tracker – Closes the turn tracker dialog.

Next Turn – Advances to the next turn in the tracker.

Sort Turns Desc – Sorts the turns in the tracker numerically (descending).

(New) ⚔ Combat macros

Start Combat – Clears the turn tracker, stops all audio, and starts the “Combat” playlist. Note: This is case-sensitive.

Stop Combat – Clears the turn tracker, closes it, and stops all audio.

🔊 Audio controls

Play Playlist – Plays a playlist specified by title (replace __PLAYLIST__ in the bookmark). Note: This is case-sensitive.

Play Track  – Plays a track specified by title (replace __TRACK__ in the bookmark). Note: This is case-sensitive.

Stop All Audio – Stops all currently-playing audio.